About this wiki: This wiki page is designed to summarize and capture our AB experiment goals, screen shot previews, and results after a test concludes.
PLP | Star-Rating # Reviews presentation (Yankee)
Hypothesis: Â
By xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
we can change yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyadding the number of reviews underneath the stars on products within the PLP,
we will illustrate product popularity accurately, decreasing user hesitations, increasing “Add to Bag” CTA clicks and conversions.
↑ Add to Cart ClicksÂ
↑ Conversions
↑ Conversion Funnel (Bag visits, checkout visits)
Bag CTA Clicks
↑ Conversions
Target: Â
Yankee DTC website ( YankeeCandle.com )
All Users
All xxxxx PLP Pages   Â
( pending )
Note: This screen capture video is helpful in providing a quick preview to understand the nature and purpose of the test, but may not be as up-to-date as the below preview links.
Link: xxxxx
AB Tasty Preview Links:Â
v1 link xxxxx
v2 link xxxxx