About this wiki: This wiki page is designed to summarize and capture our AB experiment goals, screen shot previews, and results after a test concludes.
Screenshot Preview:
Video Capture Preview:
Yankee without MultiBrand NAV (Desktop) test preview dF0iQIRhao
Yankee without MultiBrand NAV (Mobile) test preview 8fFL3pcHLI
Yankee without MultiBrand NAV (Desktop) test preview nsP1yVOLiJ
Yankee without MultiBrand NAV (Mobile) test preview DxlaTx84Xn
Yankee without MultiBrand NAV - AA QA SR test preview SR 2022-08-10
Note: This screen capture video is helpful in providing a quick preview to understand the nature and purpose of the test, but may not be as up-to-date as the below preview links.
AB Tasty Preview Links:
v1 link xxxxx v2 link xxxxx (pending)