About this wiki: This wiki page is designed to summarize and capture our AB experiment goals, screen shot previews, and results after a test concludes.
Experiment Name:
Cart Page | Minimized NAV Bar (Yankee)
Pending / Next Steps for test 006
Experiment Design:
By minimizing the nav bar by default,
we minimize distraction and focus users to the checkout process,
thus increasing the number of users continuing to checkout and transacting.
↑ Continue to Checkout CTA
↑ Transaction
Yankee DTC website ( YankeeCandle.com )
All Users
All Cart & Checkout Pages
Added 2022-
Verdict: Win / Inconclusive
Minimized Nav (v1) showed increased CTA Clicks [Continue to Checkout] and slightly reduced bounce rates.
[ Continue to Checkout ] CTA - Clicks:
for v1 (Minimized NAV variant) show positive lift in CTA-Clicks but has not hit stat sig (as of Aug4).Transactions:
for v1 is mostly at parity with Control showing just a slight decrease.Bounce:
v1 (minimized nav) decreased the bounce rate by ~4% with 96% stat sig,
indicating that less users were navigating away from the checkout process for variant v1.
End the test.
Recommendations & Next Steps:
Updating navigation on Odyssey to leverage v1(Minimized Nav) for slight improvement to bounce ratesis logged and under consideration for implementation.
Results, by The Numbers (data from ABTasty):
AB Experiment Previews:
Screen Shots, Video Capture, & Preview links
Screenshot Preview:
Video Capture Preview:
Note: This screen capture video is helpful in providing a quick preview to understand the nature and purpose of the test, but may not be as up-to-date as the below preview links.
Link: xxxxx
AB Tasty Preview Links:
v1 link xxxxx
v2 link xxxxx