About: the below list are ideas for AB experiments that require feedback and additional discussion to understand interest-level and potential impact.
(idea) Add-to-Cart CTA (sticky) at top of desktop page
Source: idea added per Aug4 CXperts presentation.
(idea) Longer Scrolling Pages
Longer Scrolling Pages
After reviewing a handful of PDP pages it seemed that – not scientifically measured – they are longer scrolling, which may be a side effect of the gallery style format of the product pictures.
Test Idea:
Add a sticky CTA to PDPs to counter the longer scrolling, gallery format which may or may not be a detractor for add to cart clicks
( see example from Nature Made in PPT)
Source: idea added per Aug4 CXperts presentation.
(idea) PLP # of Products per [More Results] CTA click
WEVO: a finding from the WEVO Study was several people annoyed at the More Results CTA on PLP not having more information.
"I don't like that I have to keep pressing this button to see more candles instead of just giving me an option to see everything."
To help validate and prioritize this test idea we turned to FullStory:
In the last 30 days we saw around 34% of all users click a “More Results” CTA.
When looking at users who just visit PLPs that number jumps to 51%.
Source: idea added per Aug4 CXperts presentation.
Done ( converted from idea on to full page )
idea Checkout | Padlock Icon removal
Hypothesis: By updating or removing the padlock icon we will decrease confusion within checkout, increasing conversions.
Metrics: ↑ Conversions