Cart Save-For-Later alert message & icon treatment (ABT-xxx cxp-230xx)
(3) AB-Tests-Ideas to break out into individual tickets
Cart (Save-For-Later) Disable OOS message
Experiment with removing the Saved-for-Later is OOS message
as it may be encouraging people to abandon or delay their purchase when they otherwise wouldn't have.Cart Screen Shot:
OOS Cart-Save-for-Later alert message
Cart (Save-For-Later) Icon treatment (Change Sale from a Warning-icon to Positive-On-Sale-Icon
Make warning a positive Green icon – it scares users now … )
Cart (Save-For-Later) Sale alert-message treatment/copy
Adjust the treatment of the Saved-for-Later is on Sale Treatment to make it more obvious that it's a good message.
Cart Screen Shot: On Sale Cart-Save-for-Later alert message:
Cart (Save-For-Later) add Jump-Link to SFL items to enable easy product view & ATC
Consider adding a jump link to the Saved-for-Later items within Cart Message alert/warning, so that users can more easily view and add items to their Cart.
// original CXP-slide-content form Jan12 Insights meeting
Adjust the treatment of the Saved-for-Later is on Sale Treatment to make it more obvious that it's a good message.
Consider adding a jump link to the Saved-for-Later items within Cart Message alert/warning, so that users can more easily view and add items to their Cart.
!!!! Experiment with removing the Saved-for-Later is OOS message
as it may be encouraging people to abandon or delay their purchase when they otherwise wouldn't have.
Finding (FullStory data/quote):
User Quote #OOS #Frustration:
“Then it starts telling me there are some items in cart that are out of stock. I had to go through each candle to see if it was out of stock and then remove them. It would have been a whole lot easier if you had just put 'out of stock' right where you choose from and save me from having to take all that time going through each one.”
Jan12 CXP-Insights-logan
1: OOS Cart-Save-for-Later alert message:
2: On Sale Cart-Save-for-Later alert message: