Yankee Birthday gift reminder message (ABT-202)
Yankee Birthday gift reminder message (ABT-202)
Added 2023-01-17 (from Imran, Jillian, and Yankee team)
Test Idea:
If it is your Birthday—and you have a gift—then remind the user via a popup/message/etc, so they don’t forget to claim their birthday gift.
Example: Sephora
close up of Sephora example pop-up / message:
From: Khan, Imran <Imran.Khan@newellco.com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2023 17:28
To: Alesio, Alexander <Alexander.Alesio@Newellco.com>
Subject: FW: AB Testing & Experimentation Update
Are we able to do something like the following with ABTasty? Maybe worth the research.
orig from: Metz, Jillian <Jillian.Metz@Newellco.com> / cc MK IK